Sunday, February 14, 2010

Asking to see their portofolio

This is an important step before you use the tattoo, because it is one to judge that whether that will make your tattoo is an expert, should not you been tattooed by someone who was not an expert

In view of their portfolio are some things to note include: design own tattoo pictures (if there are designs that make you are interested), a combination of colors (to be seen whether the color is drawn according to images painted on the customer's own skin), line drawings ( whether the lines are etched image makers tattoo was perfect in the sense that no errors), do not hesitate to ask them you been tattooed process, whether they are nervous or shaky when making a tattoo
It is a few things you should consider before using the services tattoo maker

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Design Spider 3D Tattoo On The Upper Back

Design Spider 3D Tattoo On The Upper BackDesign Spider 3D Tattoo On The Upper Back

Sexy Tattoo-Asia-Japanese

Hyundai Gets Creative With Sexy Asia Tattoo

In a recent ad campaign Korean car manufacturer Hyundai decided to give their cars a sexier image by putting their cars on hot models bodies in the form of tattoos, with the slogan "Pretty but Tough".

What kind of colors can i get?

Worried that your tattoo will end in no good a time?? Most tattoo inks are metal salt-based pigments that are not designed to
used under the skin, and not yet approved
The idea is that for most people, these pigments are inert and do not cause problems.
some artists use acrylic-based
pigment, which he felt might be more difficult than the metal-based pigments
for some with sensitive skin. Best to ask your artist first

Whatever color you choose Do not be ashamed to talk first with the expert because you will create a tattoo for a very long time

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tattoo Pictures

completed oak tree

the warriors

Capobianco painting Tattoo

Joe Capobianco painting Tattoo

Hot Japanese Tattoos For Ladies - Sexy Tattoos Full Body

The conclusion of a tattooing for a woman on line took a completely different personality. The majority of the females could easily find the expenses, designs of quality which they wanted, but these days long went. Very that the majority of the females obtain is now a list of bottom-of-the-range galleries and they all have the same generic drawing-model which 's floating around the net during eleven years. Here 's what you must know when seeking a Good tattooing for a woman in these day and age.

Tattoo Body with From Asia-Japanese

You 'd thinking of obtaining a tattooing for a long time, and now that you 'the VE taken the dive you 'about excited about what 'about seeing you. You know that the pain whom you passed while obtaining tattooing was nothing now that you see the results. Gift 't make the error, although, of the thought your work is complete. Without adapted care, your beautiful new tattooing can finish being in rise your worse nightmare.

hot and sexy flower tattoo ladies-cool sexy tattoo girl-body tattoo girl perfeck

Monday, February 8, 2010

Wings n stars Tattoo

Wings n stars Tattoo

Wings Tattoo

Celebrating All The Tattooed Ladies

We’ve noticed over the years that the majority of out clients are women. We are also very aware of how society still looks at tattoos, especially on a lady. This page is here to thank all of the beautiful tattooed women over the world.My husband and I often joke about how much better our female clients can handle tattoos in very painful areas for long periods of time. As a heavily tattooed female myself, it makes me proud knowing my tattoo work shows my strength.We both notice a big change in that, we are now tattooing women in their 60’s and 70’s getting their first tattoos. It’s like getting their hair or nails done. Just another day out with the girls. We also see many Mother’s and Daughter’s getting tattooed together, sometimes even matching tattoos.Women of all ages are starting to get larger tattoos, full sleeves, rib cages, full, Legs and Back Pieces. From small to Large it’s wonderful to see people taking tattoos for the art that it is.

Asia Sexy Tattooed Ladies on ass

sexy bikini tattoo girl-sexy tattoo in hand ladies-sexy tattoo on back ladies

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